Heart Without Measure:Gurdjieff Work with Madame de Salzmann (Hard Cover)

ShailaPress, Halifax, Canada, 1999.
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Sample Excerpt
A few Remarks of Madame de Salzmann from the section titled
Two Currents of Energy

If one is open to a vertical current, that is what makes the astral body. The other current, the horizontal one, is the energy of the physical body. One current is not at the cost of the other or in the place of the other. Without the vertical current there is no meaning to existence. But without the other current of energy no action is possible in the world. To be complete, a human being must relate with both currents.

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The most important thing is conscious attention—finer and finer, stronger and stronger.

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The body needs to be disciplined—punished or rewarded—not tortured. It must learn to obey something higher. The body needs to be available.

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Without work, your life means nothing. Without a connection with another level of energy, the work means nothing. If you do not have this connection, you are nothing.

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When the relation with the higher energy is there, one does not react. One sees what anybody or anything serves. One does not react to the things inside also. One sees how to make use of the energy which is now being wasted in negative emotions and turning thoughts.

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The whole work is being related to the higher energy, and letting it pass through me, even when in movement. The Movements are an aid for that.

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Both effort and letting go are needed. It is important to know the point of transition. It is very subtle. The ego makes the effort, then the ego has to let go. Always search for the balance.

Excerpts from Reviews

Heart without Measure has the makings of a classic of spiritual biography and autobiography. “--Scientific and Medical Network Review.

“For those of us who want to learn who a true teacher is and what honesty in effort means, this book would be inspiring.” Reviewed by Guru Prasad in Quest.