The Inner Journey - Views From The Jewish Tradition

Morning Light Press, Sandpoint, Idaho, U.S.A.

Editor: Rabbi Jack Bemporad
Series Editor: Ravi Ravindra


For over three decades, Parabola has used story and symbol, myth, ritual, and sacred teachings to give insight to those for whom religion is a path of discovery and questioning. Following its popular books on the Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu spiritual traditions, The Inner Journey: Views from the Jewish Traditionpresents a thoughtful composite picture of this ancient belief system. Here are some of the best writings on the subject, featuring works from a wide range of genres that delve into the spiritual byways of Judaism. Isaac Bashevis Singer, Martin Buber, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, and other important thinkers in the field take on such topics as Kabbalah, the search for self, and divine and worldly works. Featuring beautifully reproduced color artwork, this book is a chorus of passionate voices that explore both the Torah and the Zohar of enduring Jewish mystic thought.