Each searcher periodically wonders why I have been created on this small planet earth in the vast universe and only for a few decades. What is my responsibility during my transient existence in the material world. All the sages call us to be free of our usual occupation with me-my-mine and to cultivate a quality of being that will relate us more and more with the mysterious Divine forces of Truth, Love, Consciousness, Delight and sense of Unity and Service.
Each of the sages, ancient ones as well as the modern ones, express their insights and instructions uniquely and emphasize some different aspects. Our wish and effort in the context of the Monthly Meetings is to explore how we can apply their teachings in our contemporary context and actually try to practice them in daily life. We will take some recommendations or instructions of the great classical spiritual teachers Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Patañjali. Also, we will take some suggestions from the modern teachers Jeanne de Salzmann and J. Krishnamurti.
There will be eleven Monthly Meetings which will be held on zoom during the last Sunday of the month, from January through November 2025. We will explore the following remarks of the sages:
January: “Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”
― Rumi
February: “Unless you leave yourself behind, you cannot be a follower of mine.”
--Christ in Matthew 16:24
March: "Submitting all your actions to me, struggle without agitation."
-Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 3:30
April: "As long as I am, love is not."
--J. Krishnamurti
May: "Yoga is for cultivating samadhi and for weakening the hindrances."
--Patañjali in Yoga Sutras 2:2
June: “Ego is a good servant but a bad master.”
—Jeanne de Salzmann
July: “In this very body you can discover all the demons and all the gods.”
―The Buddha in Dhammapada
August: “Steadfast in yoga, the knower of truth realizes ‘Truly I do nothing at all.’”
--Krishna in Bhagavad Gita 5:8
September: "Your body is not only yours."
--Jeanne de Salzmann in HWM
October: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."
--Christ in John 14:15
November: Summary of the Essential Insights
Recommended Readings:
The Yoga of the Christ by Ravi Ravindra [Also published as The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism]
The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life by Ravi Ravindra [Shambhala Publications; also published by Jaico Press in India].
The Wisdom of Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras by Ravi Ravindra [Also published by the Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar].
The Dhammapada: Sayings of the Buddha [Any publication of this great text will do].
Heart Without Measure: Gurdjieff Work with Madame de Salzmann by Ravi Ravindra.
Krishnamurti: Two Birds on One Tree by Ravi Ravindra [Also published in India by Pilgrim Press]
Blessed by Mysterious Grace: The Journey of a Pilgrim by Ravi Ravindra.
Centered Self Without Being Self-Centered: Remembering Krishnamurti [Also published by the Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar].
Ravi Ravindra will give an online Presentation on March 16 at 5 p.m (Pacific time)
Under the aegis of the Krishnamurti Foundation of America
As expressed in the Rig Veda as well as in the Gospels, Love is a cosmological force. The sort of love that the sages speak of, certainly what Krishnamurti hints at, is not personal, involving some benefit or reward expected by me from the person towards whom I claim to express love. Real or true love requires a complete freedom from me-my-mine in order for me to participate in the benediction of Universal Love.
For more information and registration for in-person or on-zoom participation, please go to https://krishnamurticenter.org/as-long-as-i-am-love-is-not/